
Start a Wellness Center Project

Start a Wellness Center Project

Ideas, reflections and analysis to start a Wellness Center Project

31 July 2020

Let's start with an important reflection: the design of a wellness center is decided by customers.

There are a number of factors to which we must give importance, let's analyze some of them.

The first factor is the nationality of the customers: high temperatures, humidity, water; depending on the nationality, it is demonstrated statistically that there are preferences, as far as the Finnish Sauna in general is concerned, and will remain universally the most important technology within a Wellness Center Project. For example, in the Nordic market, high temperatures are obviously preferred, while in countries such as Italy, France and England there is a great passion for humidity and Hammams. So when you start to create a Wellness Center Project this analysis can give you an idea of the secondary technologies to be proposed.

progetto centro benessere

Another important fact for the Spa Project is the statistical analysis of the rooms. On average, a capacity equal to 20% of the rooms must be calculated, which is the statistical average of the percentage of guests who can simultaneously stay inside a wellness center.

So when I decide the size of a wellness center, I have to calculate that there are about 20% of the guests.

progetto centro benessere tecnico

Last statistical data to correctly elaborate the project of a wellness center, is permanence: what type of guests will you host? How long will you spend within it on average? Clearly, each type of clientele has different needs: for example, a family will certainly expect a swimming pool inside the spa; while a "touch and escape" business clientele will prefer the presence of a Finnish sauna; and finally a couple may prefer a turkish bath, where they can spend time with their partner.

These are the main factors to consider to begin the development of a wellness center project.

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