Wellness center design
Project, technologies and spaces in a wellness center
On a wellness centre design, aesthetic has to be put aside on the very first step. At the beginning the most important thing is a statistic research on how many people we will guest, how many cabin and how to spread the people into them. It means: “How many rooms does the hotel have “? targeting customer level”; “which is the most crowded period of the year?” ecc…

That’s the reason why every wellness centre has to start with mathematic numbers on the table. Water and treatments are the most valuable asset to split the basic project or a spa.
The high temperature, translated into sauna and its shadows, is the most important technology into a wellness centre, it has to be the queen of the spa, it has to reflect the style of the hotel and enhance it with special choreography or accessories.
Then water, most of pools into spa are floating pool, and if space allows you. A separate zone for hydro massage. As they are more noisy areas it is a good idea to keep them separate from the pure thermal area.

On a wellness centre design , after we decide the principal technologies and cabins, we have to create a wellness circuit, using collateral technologies that should be applied next to the principal one, like ice fountains next to the sauna, emotional showers next to the Hamman and so on.
After this stage, you should apply secondary thermal units that can entertain people longer into the spa, like salt rooms, bio saunas, herbal bath and so on. This way the wellness experience of the customer will be much bigger and entertaining.
The most complex part of the spa is the relax room. It has be planned as per the quantity of customers entering the spa, as it is officially the end of the wellness treatments, people has to have the chance to lay down, drink something and relax.

The last point, as just touched it, the food and beverage area; during a wellness circuit, the body lose liquid and calories, it means that before the relax room there has to be a place where everybody can drink and eat something, maybe even ordering food and drinks from the bar or restaurant.
See also wellness center construction.