The design of a spa is the most important part in the construction of a hotel wellness centre. The first things to think about are the space requirements and technologies, which will determine the size of the wellness cabins and the dimensions of the technical spaces. Depending on the amount of space available for the hotel spa, the first step is to build in the basic technologies such as the sauna, the Turkish bath, the reaction shower stations and the relaxation area, before adding secondary cabins such as the salt room, biosauna, water play stations or ice fountain.

When all the spaces, capacities and technologies have been studied, the executive technical design process can begin. The technical compartments and the electrical and hydraulic systems can be sized at this stage. Depending on the technologies and required output, the electrical loads, water flow rates and air changes will be calculated.

A very important factor in the success of your spa project is the supervision by the project manager the technical of the installation of the sauna, Turkish bath and other thermal technologies, in coordination with the other contractors working on the site. As these are intensive-use systems, accuracy is key during the construction of a wellness centre. The technical executive design of a wellness area project is detailed down to the last millimetre.

When designing a wellness centre in a resort, for example, there is more space available for a spa. This means that in addition to the essential 'hero' technologies, you can indulge your imagination by including a herbal sauna or salt room to create an experiential or sensory space, plus infra-red technologies for athletes to relax their muscles, or cabins that stimulate a very intense experience such as a Frigidarium, where the temperature drops to -9°C. Obviously, in a wellness centre project, the more cabins there are, the greater the capacity for accommodating guests who will be attracted by the variety of treatments on offer, helping to increase the prestige and potential income of your resort.