Beauty salon with wellness cabins in Milan
The dream: to create a space dedicated to beauty and wellness, with a unique and innovative design, which can represent the passion, art and professionalism that identify the history and current situation of the Aldo Coppola brand. The creative idea of Aldo Coppola Jr takes shape thanks to the intuition of the architect Anton Kobrinetz, giving life to the Aldo Coppola realm of beauty. “A Neverland dedicated to beauty treatment”, this is how Aldo Coppola Jr called these 1000 sq.m of white Carrara marble, surrounded by thirteen windows, very close to the Milan Cathedral.
Carmenta created all the Wellness technologies for the private suites. Rooms where the client can have a break from Milanese life with a range of services including massages, haircuts, or treatment in the DREAM Turkish Baths.