Cà Apollonio Heritage
Carmenta will soon start the construction and installation of a wellness center near Bassano del Grappa, a new and renovated structure that aims at excellence.
The goal of Maria Pia Viaro and Massimo Vallotto is a new concept of travel experience. They are accompanied by two excellences: Alessio Longhin, starred chef, and Michele Griggio, young and experienced sommelier.
Carmenta will create and install a complete SPA in Bassano del Grappa: equipped with sauna, Steam bath and other treatments designed in harmony with the philosophy of the structure.
The aim of the realization of a SPA like this one in Bassano del Grappa is to create a sanctuary for well-being that will combine nature, beauty and science to harmonize physical and mind.
Visit our website in the coming months to discover the realization of this spa in Bassano del Grappa!